Nth RooCH

CRank: 5Score: 3710

People are rattling off a number of disparaging comments on Halo 3, but the fact is it is a game which deserves to be on the shortlist. It is an updated Halo 2, yes? Why is that bad, Halo 2 was phenomenal! Halo 3 has continued the excellent multiplayer component, and added a whole new level of 4 player cooperative play. It has lots of new features, such as the customised skins, the skulls for additional campaign challenge. Are they new to gaming in general? No. What games are these day...

5887d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It manages to pick on some obvious choices (Sims, Harvest moon) but totally miss others. Consider Haze, a game which was boosted to the high heavens before release, but arrived with a thud. Consider Assassin's creed. All the potential in the world didn't stop it simply being a repetitive slash 'em up. Technical flaws in DOA? Is there f***! It's a fluid fighter with perfect collision detection and impressive variety. To insult that title is clearly just a bias issue, where he most likel...

5953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I absolutely friggin' LOVE starbreeze. The first Riddick game was an absolute breath of fresh air. It added so many new things to the FPS genre when it was first released. Firstly, an excellent FPS melee combat system. Second, effective use of stealth in an FPS genre. Another is the use of absolute black, something I am yet to see in another game since (that is, when all the lights were shot out, and no torch was used, there was literally nothing on the screen). Not only that, but to me...

5996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dark athena is a suped up remake with added content, nothing more.

5996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fair comment dude. My point with this post wasn't to directly insult the game, rather to point out what this dude was saying. The majority of this thread is people going "TOO MUCH VARIETY, LOL" and ignoring 90% of the valid criticism.

eleaz14 :
No, nor ever have I said so. Does that make this reviewers criticism any less relevant? I have never said I played it, and haven't said anything about the game from my part. What I have done, is ...

6177d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't visit here much anymore due to the disgusting fanboy orgy that goes on in almost every thread. However this thread thus far has garnered well over 100 replies, and not one has actually looked at the reality of the review. So I figured I might as well inject some rational, heterosexual opinion into this massive sausage fest.

*Too easy
the game is 12 hours long, yet only gets even mildly challenging at the 12th. So to put that into ...

6177d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

"A friend of mine who has someone close that works at Bungie has just been dying to tell me a secret about their future. Since the NDA officially expire today the sent me and email with the details. I have full faith in this contact."

Yeah guys, this seems legit


6201d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting find Bloodmask.

6201d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game truly was one of the console defining titles of the last gen. Stunning graphics, superb gameplay, a kick ass melee system, and one of my favourite features. Absolute darkness. It's a feature that so few games have actually been brave enough to embrace. The ability to have it so dark, that literally no light can be seen whatsoever. There were a few places where you could make this happen by taking out all the lights and it really made the atmosphere. I will be getting this, no ...

6201d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I know both versions".

What sh** are you talking kid? You "KNOW" both versions. You don't HAVE both versions. I'd go so far as to guarantee you don't even own a 360, where this reviewer has played both. What he points out is that PS3 has framerate issues, which even you concur. But where he sees this as unacceptable, you claim it "doesn't get in the way". And another point being that the PS3 only has 4 player online, where 360 has 6. Two po...

6203d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

As has been said, a new SKU is not what they need right now. I'm gonna put my money on an early release of a game. Maybe bringing MGS4 forward or another title of that nature. That, coupled with a price drop (although I doubt both will come at once) would definitely shift the dominance of the current console war.

6203d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pimphand, I've read more of your comments than I'd care to count, and every last one was typical Sonysexual nonsense. You don't own a 360, you haven't played Halo 3, stfu.

6203d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Realistically speaking MS could easily get FF13. Look at it, Square Enix have a great relationship with MS, and are clearly earning lots of money from them to develop titles like infinte undiscovery (I know, retarded name for a game) and Last remnant. Not only that, but the 360 already has a Final fantasy title. To imagine 13 coming to the 360 isn't a big jump.

MGS4 however? Nah. Ain't going to happen. MGS4 is THE exclusive for Sony. If there was even a rumour of them lo...

6204d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You have to admire what they've done with this. It takes a fearless developer to essentially allow you total freedom of camera. It means no texture can go incomplete, no stone unturned. The anti aliasing is a tad cheap mind, but then again if it makes for a more impressive screenshot, can't really complain. I really do think this feature needs to become a staple of FPS games.

6204d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say one of my disappointments was MS showing Viva Pinata party animals in it's range. F***ing WHY? The game is a POS kiddy game with absolutely no merit. At least Viva Pinata had addictive gameplay and excellent graphics. This is just pathetic! I know you guys bought Rare out, but that doesn't mean you have to show their s***ty titles too, just show us when the next perfect dark and Banjo come out. Till then, keep 'em shelved.

6205d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You said

"Did you know that, about two months ago...Gamepro told you that the Wii gets a B grade for its games while the PS3 gets a C grade instead."

Ummm... and? Two months ago, the PS3 had a giant bag of absolutely f*** all, and today it's barely any better. Warhawk and Heavenly sword do not, a varied games catalogue make. Even now the PS3 would barely muster greater than a C for anyone who isn't being f***ed with the fanboy stick (count you out). ...

6205d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Like Ken Kutaragi said in his awful E3 speech, the PS3 owners are investing in "potential". Their games could (if the devs are able to succesfully squeeze the power out of it) be incredible. In the mean time the system is underperforming. But who knows what stands in the way of progress. It's not unknown for a Playstation console to be hard to program for. It's reknowned for such. Whether people will be able to draw good power from the machine until years down the line is unkn...

6205d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am absolutely f***ing amazed that edge gave Halo 10/10. I mean not only are they famed for being quite tight with their scoring, they're also quite often hyping Sony products. I would NEVER have seen this coming.

6205d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No the f***ing didn't! They had 4 copies and Kotaku bought every one.

6205d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone find out how he kicked it?

6205d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment